Jaxon's Journey

Jaxon's Story

Jaxon Toner 12 year old Jaxon Toner was just diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He’s such an amazing kid and deserves to live a full life! Jaxon has a diffused glioma h3g34 mutant w.h.o grade 4 tumor that is cancer. There is a poor prognosis and survival rate for his type of tumor. Doctors are saying we may only have 17 months with sweet Jaxon. He will be going through chemo and radiation to help try to slow this down. The whole left and right side of his brain have been affected. This has tentacles which makes it hard to remove. Please share his story. We hope and pray for a miracle!! This is devastating for our family and so many people who love Jaxon! A go fund me has been set up to help Jaxon and his family. Also Venmo is available too.♥️

Jaxon's Updates

Go FundMe Link

Jaxon's Journey Bracelet

Jaxon's Journey Bracelet

Jaxon's Interview